Sore feet from sightseeing or shopping? Stress from exams?
Need to fill a prescription or just something to relieve a headache?
Schwan Apotheke in Heidelberg is here for you.



Update your vaccination or recovery certificates before your next vacation
Enjoy more freedom on vacation and in your everyday life. Just bring your official COVID paperwork along with your passport or photo ID. We’ll create a digital vaccine certificate or update your expired one on site.


Emergency travel kit: Don’t leave home without it!
Getting ready for your next trip? Our team will check and fill your emergency travel kit with basic first-aid supplies and medication. Read our checklist to learn which meds and supplies you should always take along on your travels.

Use our old-city delivery service

Schwan Apotheke will bring your medication right to your doorstep. Simply call in your prescription at +49 6221 22487 or order online through our AMAMED app.

Your life-long, natural health advisor

We care for old-city residents as well as people currently working, studying or traveling in Heidelberg. Beyond providing medication, we offer pharmaceutical AND homeopathic advice to help you stay healthy.

We take the time to answer any questions about your well-being. For example, if someone has to take more than 5 different meds a day, we thoroughly check for the possibility of interactions or intolerances.

“People often come to us first when they have a longer wait until their next medical appointment or their insurance won’t cover a certain prescription. We know when they need to see a doctor, but also offer tips where else they can seek advice. And sometimes, we simply lend a sympathetic ear to our customers’ ailments.

Ivanka Stolte, Pharmacist

We stand out for:

Occasionally we don’t have a certain medication on stock. In that case, we will order it and bring it to your door within a day.

We deliver prescription medications and orders totaling 20€ and higher at no charge. Orders under 20€ are subject to a 3€ service fee.

In addition to English and German, our team speaks Croatian, Dutch, Italian, Russian, French and Spanish. This ensures that we can communicate with tourists, students and residents without language barriers. 

Simply check the list on the right-hand side of the front entrance to our pharmacy to see which employee speaks your language.

We recommend herbal medicines because they:

  • Produce minimal side effects
  • Can be used with other meds
  • Aid the healing process
  • Meet the same standards regarding quality, purity and the share of active ingredients as synthetically manufactured pharmaceuticals


Before you take any herbal remedies, let us check for possible side effects or contraindications with your current medication. We will find a suitable treatment to relieve your ailments from a wide range of high-quality, ready-to-use herbal products.

We recommend natural skin care and make-up products because they:

  • Contain zero synthetic colors, artificial fragrances, paraffins, parabens, silicon or microplastics
  • Are not tested on animals
  • Are well suited for sensitive or allergy-prone skin
  • Contain minerals and secondary herbal substances that have a positive effect on our skin
  • Utilize affective agents from native plants

Natural cosmetics from Schwan Apotheke
We offer a wide selection of pharmaceutical-grade cosmetics including Dr. Hauschka, Annemarie Börlind, Weleda on stock.

We are proud of our rapport with customers

I go to Schwan Apotheke in Heidelberg because I encounter qualified personnel who listen to me. I had the feeling that I was well taken care of during my first visit. And during my COVID quarantine I sensed I was in good hands. Thank you for being there for me. (Richard von Lothringen)

Very good pharmacy. Professionally competent, top personnel. I can absolutely recommend it. Here the customer is still king. Will gladly come again. (Marc Kohlmann via Google)

Schwan Apotheke is the pharmacy that I trust. I like coming here because I always receive a friendly welcome from a team that clearly offers highly qualified advice and takes responsibility for it. If a problem ever arises, they always find a solution. (M. Weber-Schäfer)

When you have a medical issue as a tourist,  it is a great relief to get such a friendly and competent consultation like I did in Schwan Apotheke. Thank you so much for your help! (Charlotta Hetata via Google)

There are many things I like about Schwan Apotheke: the friendly, personal greeting, the trusted female personnel, the fast home delivery and how reliably Ms. Stolte checks the checks my prescriptions for any tolerability issues.  I feel that I get good advice and all-around care here. (Heidi Goetze)

Truly center city, familiar setting, personal care.  At Schwan Apotheke you really feel like you are valued as a customer. Even during COVID I had the same contact person who gave me comprehensive advice without ever being pushy. (Marie Legler)

Our Team

Ivanka Stolte

Owner, Pharmacist

Andrea Kirsch


Regine Bergner


Anna Lott


Maud Hattenhauer


Britta Kirsch


Olga Gerk


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